Трохи займаюсь фрілансом, і хоч космолог з мене ніякий, але деколи берусь за завдання на цю тему.
Але от наступна задача поставила мене в тупік:
1)(20 points) The following table gives a set of observations of distant Type Ia
supernovae in a hypothetical Universe. For each supernova, you have the
peak apparent magnitude m and the wavelength λobs of an absorption line of
silicon. From observations of nearby supernovae, we know that their peak
luminosity is 1035 W, and the rest wavelength of the silicon line is 0.600 μm.
a) From the most nearby of these supernovae, estimate the value of the
Hubble constant H0 in this Universe.
b) Use the supernova data to make a graph of the size of the Universe (on y
axis) vs the time before the present (x axis). To make this graph you
should assume that the apparent distance to the supernova is the speed
of light times the time since the explosion. After constructing this graph,
tell whether this Universe has an accelerating, coasting, or decelerating
c) Estimate the age of the oldest stars in this Universe.
і от таблиця до задачі:
Name---------Peak flux f,(W)-----Observed Wavelength of Silicon (μm)
Greg ---------2.8x10^{-17}----- 0.66
Marcia -------8.7x10^{-18}----- 0.72
Peter ---------2.4x10^-{18}-----0.90
Jan -----------1.2x10^{-18}-----1.20
Bobby --------8.8x10^-{19}-----1.50
Cindy --------1.5x10^-{18}-----1.05
Alice ---------8.2x10^-{19}-----1.62
Із завданням а і с приблизно все ясно. Але як по цих наднових можна дізнатись динаміку розміру Всесвіту?
доможіть! будь-ласка!